Owning a dog is not just a privilege; it’s a responsibility. They depend on us for, at minimum, food and shelter, and deserve much more. When you take a dog into your life, you need to understand the commitment that dog ownership entails.

What is the average weight of an adult French bulldog?

The American Kennel Club show standard is to be below 28lbs, however many Frenchies can be much less and much more. I would say that average weight of most French Bulldogs is 26lbs. Less than 22lbs I would consider petite and above 28lbs large.

do french bulldogs shed?

Yes, but these dogs are single coated and shed less most other breeds

are french bulldogs aggressive?

French bulldogs are widely known as friendly, lovable companions for single owners and families alike. As with many breeds, it’s important to socialize your dog with other pets and new people when you first bring them home to ensure they feel comfortable in various situations.

are frenchies hard to potty train?

Crate training is very helpful in house breaking. A dog perceives it as their “den” and will not soil it. Develop a routine after they eat, before bed and first thing in the morning, and be consistent. A minimum of three potty breaks a day are necessary.

For Frenchie puppies, potty breaks should be every two hours. Remember a puppy’s little bladders may not be under control as quickly as we’d like so be positive.

what is the lifespan of french bulldogs?

They live between 10 and 14 years.

Please contact us if you have any further questions!